G.CMT.02 If a Panic occurs under certain circumstances in the public API, add a Panic comment to the corresponding document

[Level] Requirements


In the public (pub) function documentation, it is recommended to add # Panic comments to explain under what conditions the function will Panic, so that users can pre-process it.

Description: This rule is detected by cargo clippy. It does not warn by default.

[Bad Case]


fn main() {
// Bad:If do not add Panic relevant comments.`Clippy` will raise error: "warning: docs for function which may panic missing `# Panics` section"。
pub fn divide_by(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    if y == 0 {
        panic!("Cannot divide by 0")
    } else {
        x / y

[Good Case]


fn main() {
// Good:Added Panic comments
/// # Panics
/// Will panic if y is 0
pub fn divide_by(x: i32, y: i32) -> i32 {
    if y == 0 {
        panic!("Cannot divide by 0")
    } else {
        x / y

[Lint detect]

Lint nameClippy detectableRustc detectableLint GroupDefault level
missing_panics_doc yesnoStyleallow

Default is allow,But this pricipal need to be set #![warn(clippy::missing_panics_doc)]