P.NAM.01 The naming convention for identifiers in the same crate should use a uniform word order


The particular choice of word order is not important, but pay attention to consistency within the crate and consistency with similar functionality in the standard library.

For example:

If the naming of types in crate were in verb-object-error word order, we need to follow the same order when we adding new types.

Here are some error types from the standard library:

All of these use verb-object-error word order. If we were adding an error to represent an address failing to parse, for consistency we would want to name it in verb-object-error order like ParseAddrError rather than AddrParseError.

Note: The AddrParseError of module net in the standard library is an exception. Most of the error types from the standard library follow the verb-object-error word order.

[Bad Case]

fn main() {
// Bad:Not the "verb-object-error" order, should be `ParseAddrError`
struct AddrParseError {}

[Good Case]

fn main() {
// Good: The order is the same as the standard library
struct ParseAddrError{}