P.CMT.03 Use line comments and avoid block comments


Try to use line comments (// or ///) rather than block comments. This is a convention in the Rust community.

For documentation comments, use //! , in other cases /// is better.

Note: #! [doc] and #[doc] have a special role in simplifying document comments, and it is not necessary to force them into //! or //.

[Bad Case]

fn main() {
// Bad

 * Wait for the main task to return, and set the process error code
 * appropriately.
mod tests {
    //! This module contains tests

    // ...

[Good Case]

When normalize_comments = true:

fn main() {
// Good

// Wait for the main task to return, and set the process error code
// appropriately.

// Good
// When defining modules using the `mod` keyword, 
// it is better to use `///` on top of `mod`.

/// This module contains tests
mod tests {
    // ...

// Good
#[doc = "Example item documentation"]
pub enum Foo {}

【rustfmt configuration】

ParameterOptionalStable or notDescription
normalize_commentsfalse(default) true(suggestionn)NoConvert the /**/ comment to /
normalize_doc_attributesfalse(default)NoConvert the #! [doc] and #[doc] annotations to //! and ///