P.UNS.SAS.06 不要随便在公开的 API 中暴露裸指针




use cache;


    `cache crate` 内部代码:

    pub enum Cached<'a, V: 'a> {
        /// Value could not be put on the cache, and is returned in a box
        /// as to be able to implement `StableDeref`
        /// Value resides in cache and is read-locked.
        Cached {
            /// The readguard from a lock on the heap
            guard: RwLockReadGuard<'a, ()>,
            /// A pointer to a value on the heap
            // 漏洞风险
            ptr: *const ManuallyDrop<V>,
        /// A value that was borrowed from outside the cache.
        Borrowed(&'a V),
fn main() {
    let c = cache::Cache::new(8, 4096);
    c.insert(1, String::from("test"));
    let mut e = c.get::<String>(&1).unwrap();

    match &mut e {
        cache::Cached::Cached { ptr, .. } => {
            // 将 ptr 设置为 空指针,导致段错误
            *ptr = std::ptr::null();
        _ => panic!(),
    // 输出:3851,段错误
    println!("Entry: {}", *e);